TLAS’ Pool of Assessors
Në zbatim të projektit “Për kontributin në përmirësimin e standardeve të të drejtave të njeriut brenda dhe jashtë sistemit penitensiar në Shqipëri”, financuar nga Bashkimi Evropian dhe zbatuar në partneritet me Qendren Europiane, TLAS po kërkon të identifikojë dhe përzgjedhë profesionistë të kualifikuar dhe me përvojë për t'u bashkuar me ‘TLAS Pool of Assessors’ për procesin e vlerësimit si ekspertë të jashtëm në lidhje me propozimet e mbledhura në bazë të Skemës së Mbështetjes të Granteve (SGSS). Lista me ekspertë të përzgjedhur do të përfshijë kandidatë që plotësojnë kërkesat e përshkruara më poshtë. Vlefshmëria e kësaj liste me ekspertë parashikohet deri në maj 2021. Vlerësuesit për thirrjet e ardhshme për propozime të TLAS do të zgjidhen brenda kësaj liste, bazuar në përshtatshmërinë e tyre, duke marrë parasysh kërkesat e secilës thirrje sipas SGSS.
English: Under the project “Contributing in the amelioration of human rights standards in and out the penitentiary system in Albania” financed by the European Union and implemented in partnership with European Centre that has started in February 2020, TLAS is seeking to identify and select qualified and experienced professionals to join TLAS’ Pool of Assessors for the Evaluation Process as external experts about the collected proposals under the Sub Grant Support Scheme (SGSS). The Pool will include candidates fulfilling the requirements outlined below. The validity of the Pool is predicted until May 2021. Assessors for future TLAS calls for proposals will be selected within the Pool, based on their suitability in view of the requirements of each SGSS.
Contributing in the Amelioration of Human Rights Standards in and out the Penitentiary Systemin Albania
TLAS Pool of Assessors
Description of the project
The project “Contributing in the amelioration of human rights standards in and out the penitentiary system in Albania” has started in February 2020, aiming at promoting a functional system of protection and prevention for persons deprived of their liberties and upon release, in full compliance with European standards and recognised international principles.
The program main outcomes are (O.1). Rehabilitative approach to prison and probation management (education / legal / psycho-social and vocational support) fostered and rehabilitation and prevention prospects of prisoners improved; (O.2). An interactive platform to support CSO active in the field of human rights education and litigation; (O.3). All-of-government approach and engagement of civil society organizations in prison and probation settings enhanced, in particular in the field of fostering the crime prevention approach (including social reintegration of prisoners upon release).
During the next 30 months of project implementation, TLAS and its implementing partner organization European Centre Foundation will dedicate tailored interventions that orient legal education, strategic litigation and vocational education to inmates; promote standards of adequate psycho-social counselling for prisoners and prison staff; engage professional active civil society actors to consolidate and prioritize treatment and services in places of deprivation of liberties (through sub-granting process), having a consolidated partnership and support by the Albanian Ministry of Justice through General Directorate of Prisons and Probation Service).
TLAS Pool of Assessors
These Terms of Reference aim to identify and select qualified and experienced professionals to join TLAS Pool of Assessors for the Evaluation Process as external experts about the collected proposals under the Sub Grant Support Scheme (SGSS). The Pool will include candidates fulfilling the requirements outlined below. The validity of the Pool is predicted until May 2021. Assessors for future TLAS calls for proposals will be selected within the Pool, based on their suitability in view of the requirements of each SGSS.
Scope of work
The assessors will support TLAS by performing the technical assessment of eligible project applications, submitted under each Call for Proposals. Assessors are required to conduct the process impartially, independently, in confidential manner and in personal capacity, and to apply best abilities and professional skills, knowledge and ethics, in accordance with guidelines and time-schedules provided by TLAS. Assessors will be required to sign a Declaration of Confidentiality and Impartiality, guaranteeing that there is no conflict of interest between their work and performing the duties of assessors. For each task performed, the selected assessor must demonstrate appropriate ethical conduct and must respect the confidentiality of the information and documents to which she/he will have access. Furthermore, assessors may not be personally involved in project elaboration or coordination, or linked to other project or activities implemented by entities submitting project application under the relevant call for proposals. Each assessor will work individually and will be supervised and supported by TLAS.
Assessors must be familiarised with the documents related to the calls for proposals (e.g. the Guidelines for grant applicants, related annexes and/or frequently asked questions, published as such for the call). Documentation for assessment will be provided separately, with the purpose to guide assessors on how to conduct the evaluation, so that all assessments are made in a coherent and consistent way. All assessors should apply the same methodology, interpretation and understanding of the objectives and criteria described in the Guidelines for grant applicants.
Each assessor will be expected to perform the following:
- Study in detail the background documents of the Call
- Conduct the scoring of project proposals based on the assessment grid and guidance provided by TLAS,
- Consistently capture the results of each assessment, including by providing a short substantiated analysis backing the scoring of each criteria
The first TLAS Call for Proposals is anticipated for launching by June 1, 2020. The selected assessors from the Pool will be expected to be engaged earliest by June 29 to July 3, 2020. The working days of each assessor will be estimated based on number of project proposals received for each call.
- Demonstrated experience with project proposal assessment and project evaluation, ideally in initiatives related to human rights protection and standards;
- Demonstrated experience in project implementation and evaluation;
- Knowledge and demonstrated experience in at least ONE of the following thematic areas of:
- access to justice;
- rehabilitation and reintegration of detainees upon release;
- advocacy on issues related to criminal justice system;
- Experience in more than one area will be considered an asset;
- Capacity building experience with CSOs will be considered an asset;
- Familiarity with political, economic and social contexts;
- Strong oral and written communication skills in English,
- Familiarity with TLAS’s work;
- Any prior experience with TLAS project assessment will be considered an asset.
Application process
Applications should be submitted to [email protected] latest by June 25, 2020.
The candidates are required to submit the following documents in order to satisfy the criteria of application:
- CV with description of relevant work experience and qualifications;
- A letter where applicants should (a) state specific motivation to be part of TLAS Pool of Assessors, (b) describe previous relevant project assessment experience, (c) state the degree of thematic experience/familiarity with TLAS's core work and target.
TLAS’s Program Management will contact shortlisted assessors for evaluating a given sample and/or for an interview.
The Payment
The payment will be made in one instalment upon the satisfactory completion of all deliverables.
Deadline for applications: 25 June, 2020
TLAS is committed to maintaining an environment of mutual respect, where equal employment opportunities are available to all applicants.